Find Me Football

by bit68


not available

Find Me Football is an application thought up to tackle a problem facing most of the football playing community. The purpose of the app is to match players to football games that have been planned or are being planned but are short of participants. The simple design of the app enables the user to navigate through all the games that are planned/ being planned by both location and time to match them to the closest game geographically and chronologically. Users can also filter games by location and time slots which they are interested in to avoid being bothered by each game that is created.To ensure that users have a pleasant experience, players get to rate each other after games to minimise threats of getting troublemakers or people who don't show up. The app also includes a reserve squad at each game to ensure that if a registered player does not confirm their attendance via an in-app message prior to the game or does not show up at the game, one of the reserve squad players is easily introduced in their stead to keep things running smoothly and not waste a pitch booking. For those individuals who do not attend, there will be a caution to ensure that this does not happen again. There is also the option of adding pitches to the existing pitch list on the app by rating them and adding details such as price, contact details and field quality. This is to ensure that everyone can easily find and contact the space when creating a game. People creating a game can also invite their friends from their friend list to participate. They can also add people they have met and gotten along with to that list to be able to contact them and add them to their games easily in the future.